My Publications
Published books by Antonio Hernández involve a complete walkthrough the history of Aguilas, as well as the idea that music is an essential component in the education for all children and young people.

Águilas and history   
1. News from Aguilas:
  Illustrated and exhaustive collection of articles on Eagles in the press since the last quarter of nineteenth century until the end of the Spanish Civil War.  
2. Aguilas and the British:
  At the end of nineteenth century, British companies are focusing on Águilas and port potential for the export of esparto and mineral.  
3. Historical origins of Aguilas:
  Los vestigios romanos manifiestan que Águilas tuvo asentamientos desde la Antigüedad, pero no será hasta 1812 cuando se constituya como ayuntamiento.  
4. Esparto, Mining and Railway in Aguilas:
  From 1870 Águilas became, thanks to its port and railway, one of the most important sites of storage and esparto and mineral trade in the Mediterranean sea...  
5. Minería y Minas de Águilas
  Studies of mines allows to recover of forgetfulness the name of places and toponyms and recreate the landscape of the entire country since mid-century.  
Intuitive method of music listening

This method of teaching music offers specific techniques for the development of perception and expression in young children using musical masterpieces of classical music..

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