The history of the Murcia's city and the mark they have left the English on it, appears in detail in the pages of books published:
News from Aguilas
This book contains the transcription of news about Aguilas appeared in the press from the last quarter of the 19th century until the end of the Spanish Civil War. From the small event up to the big event, each and every one of the Aguilas news make up a lively and particular portrait in black and white of our city and the people who lived there.
Aguilas and the British
In the last decade of the 18th century were anoticed in Aguilas an increased of the commercial traffic through its port, being at the end of the 19th century when the English companies focus on the commercial potential of its port for the export and Shopping iron ore and esparto on a large scale. The establishment of a permanent British colony impregnated to the village and its inhabitants of a particular idiosyncrasy.
Historical origins of Aguilas
The surveillance trips of Verboon and Feringan between 1720 and 1740 led to the construction of the San Juan de las Aguilas castle for the defence and protection of the shipping labours in the port. The journey of the Count of Aranda in 1765 led to the design and establishment of a village, which got the rank of municipality when the proclamation of the Constitution in 1812.
Esparto, Mining and Railway in Aguilas
At the end of the 18th century the barrilla and esparto represented the main products shipped from the Las Aguilas inlet. The construction of the new port of Águilas and the railway that would open the communication with Murcia and Granada would mean the development of the esparto andi ron ore trade, and the consequent socio-economic gowth of this unique and appealing Mediterranean city.
Mining and Mines of Aguilas
This book offers a detailed index of all mines registered in Aguilas bwtween 1870 to 1920, classified in order to chronological and geographic situation, showing through drawings and pictures detailed information of the leading companies, mines and mining reserves that were the subject of exploitation at that time, recovering from oblivion spots and names of places which in that time were landmarks of our environment.